About Us

Our CPAP Central store located in Columbus, OH offers our customers the opportunity to shop for the latest masks, machines, and hard to find accessories for sleep apnea in a convenient walk-in store setting. Whether you are new to cpap therapy or are looking to upgrade outdated equipment, CPAP Central has the product selection and expert staff to assist you in optimizing your therapy. Our nicely appointed retail stores provides our customers an experience similar to an electronics boutique, breaking the sterile medical mold often associated with the treatment of Sleep Apnea.


CPAP Central is open evenings and Saturdays to meet the busy schedules of our customers. Our walk-in service means you can replace masks, headgear, tubing, filters and accessories without an appointment anytime. CPAP Central bills most major insurances and handles all the necessary paperwork including physician orders. Just walk in and we will handle the rest!


CPAP Central carries all of the latest products from a large selection of manufacturers. We stock over 35 different sleep apnea masks including nasal masks, nasal pillows, full face masks and even some masks that don’t fit in a category. Our “Accessory Central” section offers products designed to maintain and improve the usage of CPAP machines. From mask cleaner to battery packs to special bed pillows, we have the accessories you need.

Try Before You Buy

A proper mask fit is critical for success with sleep apnea therapy. CPAP Central offers each customer the ability to try on different products prior to purchase in one of our private fitting rooms. Our team of Respiratory Therapists are often available to help with the fitting process and are also available by private appointment to address any therapy issues our customers may have.

30-Day Mask Guarantee

Sometimes even a mask that fits great in our store may not meet expectations once it is put to the test at home. CPAP Central offers a 30-day mask guarantee on all of the sleep apnea masks we sell so that customers don’t feel pressured when trying a different model or style.

Versatile Payment Options

In addition to accepting most major insurances, CPAP Central also accepts cash, personal checks (with proper ID), Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express and many Flexible Spending and Health Savings Account debit cards.